The Inevitable Truth

Science claims that the universe obeys the laws of equilibrium, and that all processes follow a cycle, which, in scientific terms, is known to be reversible. Death, apart from time itself, is probably the only process which cannot be reversed.
Everyone has a fear of death, because as the famous saying goes "Life is loved by all because it is a sweet lie, but Death is feared by all as it is a bitter truth" (P.S.- It may not match word to word
😅). Probably the only ones who don't fear death are the soldiers, who are ready to die anytime for their country, saving the lives of everyone; and the terrorists, who are bent on wiping out the whole of mankind in the name of Lord, and ready to give up their lives for the sake of it.
Thousands and thousands of people die every hour, every minute.... in some corner of the world ...dying due to countless diseases, many due to old age. People are committing suicides every now and then while many others are being killed in some part of the world and so on. However, we must not forget that "if something has been created, it must be destroyed." ("Dust thou art, to dust thou returnest/ Was not spoken of the soul"- lines from "A Psalm of Life" by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow).
Death doesn't see small or big, rich or poor, good or bad, or any kind of caste, race, and religion. It can come to anyone, anytime. We cannot escape it. So, we must live in our present and not be worried about death, because death is inevitable.

Edit courtesy: Grim Reaper
