Stop Judging, Start Accepting

In life, we come across many people. Some are ever-jolly, some are gloomy, some are ill-tempered, while some are calm  & composed. But have you ever wondered why they are like that? Have you ever tried to put yourself in their shoes and think in their terms? 
It is very rash to simply judge someone by their deeds, by not knowing what is going on in their lives and what they have been through. Everyone has a reason behind their actions. You simply can't, or rather I should say, shouldn't judge anyone by what they do, without knowing their side of the story. 
You might find people who always have a smile on their faces, who are always motivating others to be happy and cheerful. You might think that they are the happiest ones on the Earth, but the happiest ones have the darkest past. They might have gone through a terrible past which had taught them not to bring out their emotional side and put up a happy face. On the other hand, there are also such type of people who simply can't hold back their tears and break down at every difficult situation. Whatever might be the case, we don't have the right to judge anyone on the basis of their nature.
Acceptance is a great virtue. Many a times it becomes difficult for us to bear with a person whom we have probably never liked, for some reason or the other. But we have to understand that we cannot change the very nature of a person altogether. A person's nature, or rather, his attitude towards others is what defines who he is. Instead of judging a person based on his looks, his attire, his race, his caste, creed, religion, or whatever the case may be, we must learn to accept people as they are, without expecting them to change themselves for others. 
Before finding faults in others, we should mend ourselves first and change our point of view, that is, not to judge anyone without knowing their cause and to accept them the way they are
Edit Courtesy: Grim Reaper


ঋত said…
জীবনের কত কথা,
গহন গভীর ব‍্যাথা,
শুনলো চুপটি করে,
আজ মুগ্ধ হলাম ফিরে।
Milisha Barui said…
Awesome ❣️❣️